Standing long jump
Purpose: to measure the explosive power of the legs.
Description: Standing behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart, swinging the arms and bending the knees, jump forward as far as possible.
Don’t move the feet before taking off (jumping ).
Landing on one foot or both feet is allowed.
Only two attempts are allowed and the best mark is recorded.
Overhead medicinal ball throw

Purpose: This test measures upper body strength and explosive power
Description: The student stands with both feet behind a marked line holding the ball overhead with two hands and throws the ball as far as possible.
Sit and reach test
Purpose: To measure the flexibility of the lower back and hamstring muscles.
Description: Sit on the floor with your legs pointing straight out in front of you. Feet (shoes off ) are placed with their soles flat against the box, shoulder-width apart. With hands on the top and palms facing down
each forward along the measuring line as far as possible. Do this twice and then, reach, at least, two seconds
while the distance is recorded.
Purpose: To measure the agility of your body while running and turning quickly.
Only two attempts are allowed and the best mark is recorded.
Overhead medicinal ball throw

Purpose: This test measures upper body strength and explosive power
Description: The student stands with both feet behind a marked line holding the ball overhead with two hands and throws the ball as far as possible.
Sit and reach test

Description: Sit on the floor with your legs pointing straight out in front of you. Feet (shoes off ) are placed with their soles flat against the box, shoulder-width apart. With hands on the top and palms facing down
Keep your legs straight all the time.
Course Navette test

Purpose: The Beep test is commonly used to test cardio fitness. This test provides a good estimate of a persons VO2 Max.
Description: The students must run between 20m markers, in time with the tape. The beeps get faster as the tape progresses and is divided into stages. The test finishes when you can no longer reach the end marker before the beep.
Cooper 12 minutes Run
This is an aerobic endurance test.
Purpose: To measure the body’s ability to use oxygen while running.
Description: Run around for 12 minutes. The amount of laps you have run is recorded. Walking is allowed, although the participants must run all of the time if they can.
Course Navette test

Purpose: The Beep test is commonly used to test cardio fitness. This test provides a good estimate of a persons VO2 Max.
Cooper 12 minutes Run
This is an aerobic endurance test.
Purpose: To measure the body’s ability to use oxygen while running.
Description: Run around for 12 minutes. The amount of laps you have run is recorded. Walking is allowed, although the participants must run all of the time if they can.
Agility Test
Purpose: To measure the agility of your body while running and turning quickly.
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